
I am an interdisciplinary applied physicist with a unique background in both life and physical sciences. I have research experience in mouse model studies of neurodegeneration, micro-optical device fabrication by harnessing surface tension, particle-laden computational fluid dynamics, neural network algorithmic tools for optimal design, nanoscale devices to control every degree of freedom in wavefronts, radiofrequency/ultrasound image reconstruction, and bioengineering for drug, protein, and gene delivery to cells.

My research interests are in the design of low-cost, high-accessibility medical diagnostics and therapeutics.

I am currently a Schmidt Science Fellow in Molecular and Cellular Biology studying intracellular delivery with Prof. Steven Chu at Stanford University.

My undergraduate Physics degree is from the California Institute of Technology, with research mentorship from Prof. Sandra Troian and a senior thesis in interfacial fluid dynamics and microfabrication. My doctoral work was with Prof. Federico Capasso at Harvard University on structured darkness, metasurfaces, and photonic inverse design. I am grateful to be supported by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore, having received the National Science Scholarship for both B.S. and Ph.D. studies.